Burlian, Paisol (2014) Harmonisasi Jalinan Dakwah dan Politik Hukum Tata Negara (full text). Jurnal Dakwah dan Kemasyarakatan: WARDAH (XXVII). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1412-3711
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It is undeniable that lslam is a universal religian which is a blessing for lhe entire universe (rahmatan lil 'alamin) Universahty af lslam was visible from multi aspect dactrine, socioreligiaus aspecis- reg!/ale the life af mankind, and have included the inside aspect af constitutianal taw ancl palilical af caunlry. This article examines haw in praclice, where the Praphet Muhammad has implemenled lhe politics af canstitutionat law in line with the guidance of the Qufan. especially in the Medina period. While in Makkah lhe Praphel many displays as a religious figure, namely prcaching gradually namely in secrei untit blatanl Bul when in Medina seen the integratian of the self Praphet Muhammad SAW. both religious ligure and statesman. Besides canlinuing proselylizing mission, the Ptophet set Medina lo become a developed country and then lslam can spread ta patls of the wortd. Today lslam has been able ta become a force and are believed and practicecl the leachings af the world's populatian and il is insepanble lrom the role of dakwah and palilics Both inlegraled and wark together in the histary of lslam, both in canception and implementalian. To stay awake exislence of lslam, the rale of political prapaganda and canstitutianal law must be aplimized for lhe fulure Retationship between the two, it was shown lhat the polilical ideal function becames a taolta carry out the missian af preaching. On the other hand Dakwah must atso be able to provide an understanding af the politicat impartance of the Siate consliiutloral law for the advancemenl af rcligian and Muslims, and not vrce versa ie away fram potilics because af the perceptian thal ane ar manipulale dakwah far political purpases of canstitutianal law. To ensure lhal lhe palitical activities of the Slate constilutional law is nat last, it shauld be undersload that in the palitics of the State canstitulianal law is no law that must be followed, while lhe law 6 na polilical aspects of canstitutional law which should be implemented. lt will allow lhe synergy af palilical dakwah and constilutional law fot lhe rcalization af the glary ol lslam in natianal and internalianal rankings.
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | J Political Science > JA Political science (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences |
Depositing User: | perpus perpus perpus |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jul 2019 04:05 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jul 2019 04:05 |
URI: | http://eprints.radenfatah.ac.id/id/eprint/4118 |
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